December 18, 2023 by Dave Schneeman

On December 10, Caleb, a new Cub Scout with Pack 126 attended a Pack Pinewood Derby Session and earned the “distinct privilege and high honor” of creating the 2000th pinewood derby car in Michael’s Woodshop! Caleb’s Cubmaster describes him as an enthusiastic Cub Scout who is a friend to all and who has thoroughly enjoyed the Pack activities. These qualities were on full display as he crafted his car in Michael’s Woodshop. To commemorate the ocaision, Caleb was presented with a special Pinewood Derby Car display stand with a 2000th Car inscription. Please join us in wishing Caleb the best of luck in his races, but in our book, he is already a winner!

Michael’s Woodshop is in the midst of its 6th Annual Pinewood Derby Days season. While Pinewood Derby Days is one of the most popular programs, Michael’s Woodshop operates year-round with opportunities for youth of all ages to participate in a variety of shop activities. In addition to supporting summer camp and other camp events, Michael’s Woodshop offers great Baloo the Builder and Webelos Build It workshops for Cub Scouts and monthly Woodwork Merit Badge classes for Scouts. The shop is also a great venue for hosting Eagle Scout projects and can be reserved for many other unit activities.
The activities in Michael’s Woodshop are made possible by a dedicated group of adult and youth volunteers. Due to the popularity of Michael’s Woodshop, volunteers are in the process of expanding the shop to provide space to host even more youth activities. To support the additional activities, we are seeking additional volunteers to join the team. Roles are available for adults and youth, from novice to experienced skill levels. Please visit the Michael’s Woodshop webpage for more information about volunteering, shop capabilities and upcoming events and for information about reserving the shop. If you have questions or would like additional information, please email the volunteer team at