July 13, 2021 by Dave Schneeman

Michael’s Woodshop is pleased to introduce five new members of the Team. Michael’s Woodshop is run entirely through the time, effort and talents of its volunteers and we welcome these latest additions to our Team!
Adult Volunteers

Kirk Vetter is married with two teenaged children and has a passion for millwork. He is the Executive Vice President / General Manager of Gaithersburg Architectural Millwork which specializes in manufacturing Commercial Interior Architectural Millwork in Warrenton VA. (We toured his facility – it is a very impressive operation!) He is volunteering his time in an effort to get youth as excited about millwork as he is.

Ryan Fisher is an experienced woodworker and has been actively engaged in Scouting since his youth. He is an Eagle Scout, OA member (Vigil Honor), has attended Philmont twice, two National Jamborees and NOAC and after a series of adult leadership positions currently serves as ASM, Troop 1372-G. Interestingly, during his service career, he willingly jumped out of perfectly fine aircraft on 52 occasions.

Elena Ziu discovered Michael’s Woodshop while her son was working on his Woodworking MB. The shop reminded her of her days at the University of Virginia where as an experimental physicist she often modified or built parts for her experimental apparatus in a machine shop. Elena has been active in Scouting since 2016 and currently serves as NCAC STEM Counselor and Powhatan Crew 160 Advisor.
Youth Volunteers

Ayaan A. is an Eagle Scout with Troop 1548. While working on his Eagle Scout Project in Michael’s Woodshop, he was “bitten” by the woodworking bug (we would apologize, but it would not be sincere…). Ayaan has a goal of earning a Gold Congressional Service Award (requires 400 service hours) and has decided to combine his new interest in woodworking with his desire to serve others.

Mihai Z. is a First Class Scout with Troop 160. He loves playing trumpet and serves as bugler for his Troop. Mihai completed the Woodworking MB Spring 2021 and now has three hobbies he loves: woodworking, model rocketry, and 3D model design and printing. Mihai is already excited to try out our newly donated CNC machine. (And the adult volunteers are happy to have a teenager around to teach us how to use it!)
If you are interested in volunteering, please see Join the Michael’s Woodshop Team on our webpage, or email any questions to MichaelsWoodshop.CWBS@gmail.com. Interested female adults and youth are also invited to attend one of our Ladies Nights in the Woodshop sessions which provide potential volunteers with a chance to learn more about the shop – and to make some sawdust!